Hunter, Jim, and Joe Biden are not honest Democrats.
So if the DNC believes they are going to remove the Biden Family from the Whitehouse now, after a miserable performance in the first presidential debate by Joe on CNN last week, they must be prepared for an all-out mafia-style war.
(Unless Joe falls?)
The Biden family just has too much to lose.
Jim Biden, the president’s brother, is staring at potential indictments for being the alleged bag-man for the Biden family.
Hunter Biden was just convicted of far fewer crimes than one would expect indictments for; especially considering all of the various evidence that exists against him.
The conservative accusation that Jill Biden is the “handler” for Weekend-at-Biden Joe is now on full display for the entire world to see since the tragic debate last week. It’s of interest that Jill Biden, who is an English teacher, is dear friends with Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union. Weingarten and AFT were largely responsible for school closures and forced vaccine mandates on educators all across America. Weingarten has visited war-torn Ukraine (but not Russia) to highlight the struggles of teachers in the region. She is also part of a Homeland Security Council investigating violence in public schools.
Maybe English-teacher-Jill likes the power she has nowadays?
If you add this all up, the Bidens should not be counted as down and out (unless Joe falls?). This family is made up of deep-political heavyweights that know how to brawl, and they know where the bodies are buried.
But the coordinated media attack on Joe Biden immediately following the debate made clear something was up. It makes no sense that the mainstream media suddenly realizes the president has dementia after months (years?) of saying he didn’t.
Or maybe the DNC is perfectly fine with a Neo-Con controlled President Trump taking office?
All of this malarkey is why at Honest Democrats we have been saying for over 9 months a real, honest Democratic Primary process was necessary.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Marianne Williamson, Dean Phillips and others should have all had the opportunity to discuss and debate the issues across our country, so that the Democrats could have fielded a truly viable candidate.
The idea of swooping in just 4 months before the general election with a brand new, super-delegate selected candidate shows the DNC’s disdain for rank-&-file party members, as well as their hatred for the middle and working classes of America.
It's stunning to watch the big-wig Dems Monday morning quarterback to minimize and gaslight what millions of Americans and people around the globe witnessed in real time last Thursday night.
Jim Clyburn says Biden was over-prepared. Jaime Harrison, DNC Chair and Clyburn's lap dog, held a conference call over the weekend w/a disabled chat function and that otherwise limited participant commentary, reminding everyone that Biden is a truth-teller, before he departed for a Disney cruise.
The level of incompetence and arrogance is enraging. Biden himself, touting his "truth" cred vs Trump's lies, has paved over his own sordid habit of lying that knocked him out of the 1988 Dem presidential primary. He even lied during the debate by saying no American soldiers had died on his watch.
Truly America is in big, deep trouble. The only hope now is that Kennedy will mobilize the 70% of Americans who want neither of these oligarchic stooges -- not Trump, not Biden.
The founding fathers of the United States placed the citizens of the United States in command of the government of the United States. Let's return to that state of affairs once again.!