It's stunning to watch the big-wig Dems Monday morning quarterback to minimize and gaslight what millions of Americans and people around the globe witnessed in real time last Thursday night.

Jim Clyburn says Biden was over-prepared. Jaime Harrison, DNC Chair and Clyburn's lap dog, held a conference call over the weekend w/a disabled chat function and that otherwise limited participant commentary, reminding everyone that Biden is a truth-teller, before he departed for a Disney cruise.

The level of incompetence and arrogance is enraging. Biden himself, touting his "truth" cred vs Trump's lies, has paved over his own sordid habit of lying that knocked him out of the 1988 Dem presidential primary. He even lied during the debate by saying no American soldiers had died on his watch.

Truly America is in big, deep trouble. The only hope now is that Kennedy will mobilize the 70% of Americans who want neither of these oligarchic stooges -- not Trump, not Biden.

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The DNC factions are taking form and it is unclear how much of this is scripted and how much is real-time damage control.

To get Joe off the ticket is going to be very difficult - ESPECIALLY in Red States. What Republican Secretary of State is going to say, "Sure, take good-ol' Joe's name off the ballot. No problem! We will put on anyone you like that's more likely to beat Trump. OUR PLEASURE"

...but if Ol' Joe has a "fall"..., well, that would be different...

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The founding fathers of the United States placed the citizens of the United States in command of the government of the United States. Let's return to that state of affairs once again.!

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Nice piece !

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Ty Nikos

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The foot solders in this war, perhaps, will be the illegal aliens brought into out country by the Biden Administration.

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Don't agree with that.

To me this war is high level between a faction of the DNC loyal to Biden and a faction that is loyal to dollars and donors and corporations etc...

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Are you kidding me? The Biden faction and the faction loyal to dollars and donors and corporations are one and the same. It’s an extension of Clinton Inc.

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Normally yes, that's true. But in this moment in time there is a split, a fracture there, among those willing to say "the emperor has no clothes" and those who say "HE'S STILL THE EMPEROR!"

Infighting amongst their own. Elite splits happen like this - they have the same end goal but disagree on how to get there between now and November.

The DNC in Chicago this year is going to be fascinating!!

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